I've wished her birthday in Facebook around 12+am before I sleep last night. :) Together with this big cake for her. xD

Hehe~ May all her wishes come true~ *hugs* xD
On 13th August 2009 too, we supposed to have Object-Oriented Analysis and Design writing test on 9am to 10.15am, but lecturer started the test on a quarter past 9. = =" Then we ended the test at 10.30am.
I didn't manage to revise chapter 4 to 9 nor tutorial 3 to 6. *sobs* Hopefully what I done in the test can make me pass the test. I kept on recalling about the tutorials I done before. Brain cells die a lot I guess. LOL~ It was all about Use Case diagram, Collaboration diagram, and Class diagram. :)
Will update again later~ xD