Renise's blog layout is UPDATED!

i planned to complete my Case Study assignment in this two days. well, i managed to complete it, just sent it to my group member to print. kekeke... gonna hand in the assignment tomorrow. =)

emmm... for the frequent visitors to my blog, i'm sure they will see the difference in my blog. kekeke... yup! blog layout has been updated! ermmm... i just changed the previous banner to another new banner. xD

for anime lovers, they'll know that this new banner exists long time ago. wuakakaka... well, it's not out-dated i think, 'cause i'm still in love with this picture very much. there is a kind of feeling from the two characters in the picture... it is inexpressible. emmmm... any idea? hahahaha... well... i just love it. sometimes when we are in love with something, it doesn't need any reason. confused huh? blekk.

sleepy... i'm downloading the latest episode of a drama i'm catching. almost done... kekeke.. gonna watch it later, will go to bed after that. okkay... renise'll stop here tonight. =)



Looks very cool for Ryan =p

♥ Renise said...

wooop? hahaha... thanks ryan. xD

ezra said...

Woah, I've seen this picture before. It was my wallpaper once! O_o

It's still cool though, with the whole fallen angel theme thing you've got going on. XD

♥ Renise said...


really suit my blog URL right?
wuakakaka... love this picture so much. xD

thanks ezra.

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