Crazy crazy crazy~ Haha. It's my final semester in Diploma in Science (Internet Technology) being in Tunku Abdul Rahman College, KL. Wuakaka... A lil specific huh? xD It is really our rush hour in this semester compared to any other semester. A short final semester, just 7 weeks' time.
We have assignments to be done, discussions, tests, and so on. Seems busy right? But for some time, we are freaking free after class. LOL~ Some slept at home whole afternoon and evening after class, some 'busy' with their battle online game, some went to hang out with friends till late evening, and etc. Haha... We enjoy our final semester in studies and relax. Work hard, play hard too. xD
We are now feeling more... Cherish on friends, friends who have been together for nearly two academic years, being in the same class or same course, or even in the same college (different courses). Some of us are not gonna continue to Advanced Diploma. Some planned to go to UTAR to further their studies, some are gonna step to the society and hunt for jobs, some maybe going to other colleges or university.
Kinda lot of stuff to be done in this 7 weeks, I jotted down a lot of tasks to do on my calendar, so that I won't forget them easily. *Groans* Coming up tasks are Tamadun Islam dan Asia e-test, MQA (Malaysian Qualifications Agency) interview, E-Commerce assignment, and bla bla bla. We have fought for 5 semesters in behind, let's fight till the last~ Haha. xD
For students who still have papers to clear in hand, GAMBATTE~ And pass all the papers ya! For students who have passed all the previous papers, let's focus on this semester and do well too~ Gotta give our best in this diploma. =)
There's ups and downs in our lifes, let's remember the happy moments and good stuff we have gone through together~ For some days that I was feeling so bad, Xiao Ai was there for me~ Hehe. Feel so touch for the way she cared bout me. I really wanna say something to her, to Xiao Ai~ "Thanks, Xiao Ai~ For being there for me~" I know just by saying 'thank you' can't really express everything I wanted to. But, I really cherish the time being with her. xD Not to forget, my classmates who chatted with me bout some stuff, thanks a lot too. Really appreciate that you guys gave me those advices as friends. It made me feel warmth, 'cause I know that there are friends around me when I needed them so much. =)
Sometimes, I do remember some crazy stuff that we did together, with my classmates as well as my coursemates. =X Haha. I'm gonna miss all of my classmates and coursemates. Errr... Probably I'll be continue to Advanced Diploma in TARC. There are two options (courses) for my course to choose, one is to remain in Internet Technology course, or go to Business Information System course. Hope those who can continue to further their studies, please continue study~ The fees for Advanced Diploma in TARC is easier to afford compared to other colleges and universities. =)
Further study to higher level of education is one of the way to upgrade our knowlegde, and living too. And the fees needed to further study for Advanced Diploma cum Degree in TARC is affordable. Hope my coursemates who are still confusing to take the next step, can think about this opportunity. =)
Web-based System Development (WSD) made me so blur now~ @.@ 2 days ago (Tuesday) I was facing my the MS Visual Studio 2005 for one whole day, was doing the user interface, programming, doing print screens for the system, and get the documentation 3 done at night, for the discussion on yesterday. = =" Sunday night was emmm... Unexpected. LOL~ Xiao Ai and I with another 3 friends went to a place for a function, LOL~ I don't wanna mention already. A funny experience. Haha. xD Then, at night, was a lil suffer to finish up my long essay for Tamadun Islam dan Asia. The title was about Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah. @.@ Gonna start my E-Commerce assignment soon. Or else I might get chopped pretty soon. Haha. (Just kidding~)
Perhaps I should stop here for this moment~ Will write again soon. =P
5 years ago
am i the first to conteng here =) ganbatte and all the best in your final sem! go go go *energy bar is in front k* wheeehaha =D
you may goin to BIS?
if I successfully graduate in Diploma level, maybe nx time during advD, you might become my classmate :)
Hmmm... Not goin BIS, 'cause I'm noob in business thingy. =X