I have no more papers to sit for Diploma already~ Hehe~ My one and only paper was on the previous Thursday, it was E-Commerce paper. Some of my coursemates still have papers to clear, gambatte ya. =) We will graduate our Diplomas together~
Some of us were thinking about which college or university to go, in order to further our studies after Diploma. Some going to UTAR (University of Tunku Abdul Rahman), some remain in TARC (Tunku Abdul Rahman College), and etc. I've thought about it too. I've asked opinions from my friends, seniors, and even working adults in related industries. There are still options to choose.
If you wanna continue study with lesser stress, UTAR might be your choice. I'm not sure about this, one my of senior said that some exams in UTAR has multiple-choice questions (MCQ can be hard sometimes). To obtain a Degree that is BSc(Hons), of course you have to continue Degree course to university or college such as UTAR. In TARC, it offers BS Degree, not BSc(Hons). For courses offer by SAS (School of Arts and Science) in TARC, it's Advanced Diploma cum BS Degree, see? It's BS Degree, without the word "honours" in it. If you wanna know what's BS Degree and BSc(Hons) Degree, try to look in Wikipedia.
If you wanna continue study in TARC, it might be more stress than being in UTAR (Well, it depends how you manage your stress, you have overcame Diploma, perhaps you can do better in Degree level too~ Hehehe...), 'cause in TARC, you will have to prepare for internal and external papers (internal papers for Advanced Diploma, external papers for BS Degree). Or... Unless, you wanna let go one of them (Advanced Diploma or BS Degree).
In TARC, the course fees are more affordable compared to UTAR. Advanced Diploma cum BS Degree in TARC costs about RM 14-16k (approximately), and BSc(Hons) Degree in UTAR is about RM 25-30k (approximately). Loans and scholarships are available for application in both TARC and UTAR.
I guess I'll continue my studies in TARC, 'cause jobs posted online and in newspaper won't mention it requires you to have BS Degree or BSc(Hons) Degree, right? Commonly it just mention 'Degree level' or something similar to that. xD As what we used to study about the advantages of something, put it in here then:
``Reduce resources, save transportation time and distance between two locations; college and hometown.
``Conveniency, I won't have to shift my stuff from where I live now to any other place (if i'm going UTAR Kampar campus? Gotta shift my stuff to Kampar~ So far~ xD)
``Keep close distance with my friends, that's what I need other than studies~ I hope to see them always, like every weekend, or few times in a week~ xD
``Save time in environment adaptability. If I'm in the same campus again, I know the locations of my classes already~
``Save cost in course fees~ Course fees in TARC is more affordable than UTAR. I heard that if a student failed a subject in UTAR, the student will be required to repeat the subject~ Wooo.. It takes time~~~
Hahaha... I was just crapping. Anyway, I think I will continue studies in TARC~
After exam, I am so free now. I might look for a part time job soon~ It's a waste of time if I just stay at home everyday. Seems like not contributing at all, it's a waste of time for being lazy like this. xD
5 years ago
then come to subang jaya segi..hehe
hahaha.... don't want~
too far from here. xD