But never mind, hope I'll be able to get myself into Top 10 again~ xD Here, a late print screen copy of my post in Innit. Any glitterati nuffnanger can nang for me? LOL~ (You can login Innit with your Nuffnang account and nang for me~)
I'll make a better post to get more nangs soon. *winks* So here goes my second post in Innit which got into Top 2 before, having 47 nangs at the moment: http://innit.nuffnang.com/view.php?id=90834

Hehe~ I wrote a few tutorials in my previous posts, are they helpful for you guys who need it? Hope it helps. =) There was a few people asking me to help them out for their blog layout. LOL~ I wonder will I be able to help them out, 'cause my new course is gonna commence pretty soon~ YEY!!!! I'm really stucked in the long holidays. It's..... *speechless*
Advanced Diploma cum BS Degree courses are gonna commence on 25th May 2009~ Can't wait for it anymore. xD But my Diploma results will only release after AD (Advanced Diploma) courses commence. Arghhhhhh!! It will be released on 26th May 2009. Duhhhh..... = =" Just hope that I will be able to pass all 3 subjects in the previous semester. *fingers crossed*
I'm gonna continue to Internet Technology course, the same course as I was taking in Diploma. Hehe. Wish me luck guys~ Thanks.
Will write again soon. =)
haha , Tahniah Renise
thanks aqram. xD