What you have to do is just CLICK on it, you will not need to pay even a single cent. Sounds great to you?
If you have an account in Nuffnang, there's a yellow bar in the menu when you logged in. If you don't have Nuffnang account, you can also show your love, just HIT HERE!!

Just click once on the charity you’d like to support, and DiGi will donate RM5 to it. It's not necessary that you must be a DiGi user to participate in this program, what it needs are just your email address and a click from you choosing your favorite charity. What are you waiting for? SAVE NOW~
There are just 3 simple steps to show your love to this charity program:
Step 1: Select your favorite charity
Step 2: Choose how do you want to help
Step 3: Verify your email and Done!
I've supported the Malaysian AIDS Foundation and verified my email~ Have you done yours?

hmm.. i think i will just skip this since i buy items for an orphanage.
Oh sure, saving is sure good! I was a DIGI user for years, but now have to switch to another telco as Digi no coverage here. :)
I had view it yesterday, donated to BCT ^^
As I have many email address, I think I can donate more time to other charity ^^
hahah. good good. xD
Donating is good. :)
digi really generous hor..
maybe they got lots of money to give out.. haha.. =D
should give digi users free credit! =P
p/s: im hotlink user.. lol
ya kenwooi, heard that DiGi is kinda rich... xD
i'm a maxis user. xD