Met up with a friend of mine, grabbed a drinks, went for a movie, and took dinner there before we left Mid Valley. We watched the movie 'Obsessed'~ It was an interesting movie. =)
Beyoncé Knowles is pretty wehhhh~ At first I didn't think it would be a nice movie, but then while watching to the climax, wooooohhh... NICE~ *ahhemmm ahhemmm* You guys who haven't watch this movie, and curious about it, go watch go watch. xD

Weeheee~ I got my first cheque from Nuffnang~ Thanks to Nuffnang~~ xD
Errr.... It isn't a big amount, minimum RM 50 can withdraw the money, so I just withdraw it when it reached RM 50. Wohooo~

Feel a lil sleepy, I gotta go~ Nights. xD
Me likey Ali Larter.. from Heroes ma.
Guess I might pick up the DVD or something. It sort of reminds me of the remake of Fatal Attraction.
Gosh! I feel so old when they start remaking movies from the 80's...
Congratulate, keep the good job :D
angie, Obsessed was nice to watch in cinema yesterday~ haha. xD
thanks laikepo. xD
wow. 2 sex bombs in a movie... sure got a lot viewers. :)
i think i will only withdraw from nuffnang when i reach 200!
haha. thanks for dropping by, renaye.
nice, my nuffnang jz 30cents wakakakakaka!!!
hehe~ hii CK. gambatte for your Nuffnang. =)
Everyone said its nice but :( no time for a movie.. sob sob
yoo~ hii. xD
thanks for visiting, you will have your free time, relax ya~