Here's the parking pass for guest's vehicle to park in the college, and the two goldish cards are the invitation cards for my mom and dad to attend my diploma convocation~

This is the convocation booklet, and my position number to the stage, i'm number 7! Diploma in Science (Internet Technology) was the first course to go up to the stage today. Weehee~

Look at the professionals~ LOL~

Aeon and I were kinda crazy to snap photos together~
It is a MUST to snap photos together. xD

My parents and I~ My sister wasn't be able to show up 'cause she's still in Sibu for her National Service. I miss her a lot. ><

Arghhhh... Don't laugh that I look 'big' in the photos, okkay? I suppose to take S size, but when it came to my turn to get the graduation gown, there are only M and L size left. Geez. T_T It seems like I was wearing pyjamas. LOL~
My friends came too~ Kon Nee and Elza, they are my secondary school classmates. :)

Congratulate to Florence~ Her convocation falls on today too~ She was from the Tourism course. :)

And thanks to my classmates Jian Ann and Soo Aun who came to college for me. xD
Special thanks to Soo Aun who borrowed me his camera. Thanks a lot Soo Aun, I owe you~

Besides classmates, I would like to thank Shaw Team and Jasmine too~ They came to college for me as well. Hehe~ They are my senior~ Shaw Team was in the same primary, secondary school as well as college with me~! Hehe~ Once again, thanks sisters~

Congratulations too Vincent~! He's from Marketing course.

Errr... I feel a lil wasted, our tutor Hong Hong came today, but I didn't manage to snap photos with him. >< Anyway, thanks for coming sir. xD
That's all at the moment. xD More photos are uploaded in my facebook :)
UPDATE: Video of Diploma Convocation 2009 for Internet Technology
Congratz wheeeee :D
Congrats renise.
Jean, Ning, Merryn, thanks~ :)