Hope that all my friends who are bloggers, plurkers, or nuffnangers, and all my net friends can re-link my blog URL to Million thanks to all of you. :]Besides the update of my blog URL, I've changed the blog banner to Lady Gaga's image.

Previously it was this:

I love her new video "Bad Romance", let's enjoy~
Whoa! damn nice header! Double thumsbup for you :P
i been listen bad romance everyday for a week before the music video was i listen the next--dance in the dark...
thanks aaron :]
heyy bradley, lady gaga she's really a great art xD
bad romance is in the dark is a hit now...hehe
haha.. lady gaga eh..
why so fast change banner again wan..
and new url somemore.. nice! =)
LOL bradley, okkay xD let's enjoy 'dance in the dark' then. :]
hii kenwooi~ glad to see your footprints here. should have change the url earlier, last time many people said that my url is long, so, i make it shorter now. :]
nice banner you got there~
hii.. thanks for dropping by :]
haha I Love lady Gaga too..bad Romance,telephone,dance in the dark,alejandro..all my fav !! and also speechless !
hahahah :] she rocks~ she rocks~
actually u can make ur URL shorter and become
if u want it, just let me know by msn me at
i will point the sub domain to blogspot for u to use it, any other people who interested to have a short URL like this also can contact me
hehehe never mind garfield. i prefer to blog in a less trouble way. don't wanna trouble anyone about hosting or domain :]
garfield, thanks anyway~
it is not a web hosting or domain name lah.
wat i am going to do is just pointing a sub domain to
u just need to change your blogspot URL i ur blogspot account, then can use the new sub domain name already
by the way, here is an example on how a blogspot blog that us using a sub domain.
it is just the same like using a domain name on a blogspot account
gaga rocks ! dropping by :)
garfield, i know it's not domain/hosting, it was two separate sentences leh. wuakakaka.
hii aurea, thanks for dropping by :]
i like your banner :D looks cool x)
weehehehe~ thanks eva. :]