From previous Monday to Wednesday, I hung out with Aeon (my coursemate) till late evening. I was tired, but I enjoy doing everything I'm doing now. :] At least I have put down my burden about something, need not worry about it any longer, I gain my freedom again~
Wednesday there was 2 hours interval break for 2 times, it was a waste of time, but... I chatted with someone who's in the same channel as me, so.. Still okkay for me~ xD Errrr.. Then, I had an online test for CCNA2 on Thursday, but I didn't manage to do well to pass that test. *sighs* Gotta resit that test on next Thursday. T_T
This Tuesday and Thursday there will be a mid term test for Mobile Computing and a SBA (Skill-based Assesment) for Advanced Network Communications. *dies* Gotta keep my fingers crossed and prepare for the tests soon.
Hmmm... I have sent emails to a few companies for my coming 6-months Internship Programme, I got a reply saying they will schedule for interview and reveal in a week's time, then, another reply was telling me to contact them to make an appointment for interview before end of November. I'm gonna email (again) to the companies I applied last week, to check whether they have schedule the interview session or not. :] My internship for 6 months (24 weeks) is gonna begin from 12th April 2010 to 25th September 2010.
Weeehee~ That's all for my weekdays stories. Saturday I was with Andrew in the college, discussed for assignments. Then, met Barnabas in the canteen. xD He was there to decorate the booth for Computer Science Society if I'm not mistaken, 'cause the ICT Showcase is coming~
Around noon, I left for home~ So glad to see Jessie after a long while. I miss her so much~ Jessie darling, I love you~ ♥ Hahaha.

Recently I'm catching 2 nice HK dramas, I bet a lot of people heard of "宫心计" (Beyond the Realm of Conscience) and "富贵门" (Born Rich). Errrr.. I have spent whole Satuday and Sunday for "Born Rich" drama. LOL~

Will write again soon~
Good luck for the tests!
Hope that you will pass your CCNA2! ;-)
i'm gonna pass it for sure. :]
thanks angie. hope you have a great week ahead. :]
Chubby Renise .. lol.. haha.. MAY YOU PASS YOUR TEST WITH FLYING COLOURS..nyek nyek...tada...
LOL~ CHRIS!! *faint*
thanks anyway~
all the best in CCNA2! =D
r u familiar with IPv6?
msn me at
thanks a lot kenwooi :]
garfield, errrr... we are learning routing and protocol, using RIP, OSPF and EIGRP only. ><"