Come on, just spill what's in your mind to a piece of paper maybe, or make a check-list for yourself. :] Seriously, I have not ready for year 2010, I mean errrr... My studies is awful, time management is still that level, there is a number of stuff I wanna do before 2009 went to the end, but yet I still did not manage to complete them. Perhaps I gotta try harder in this year, 2010.
On New Year eve, 31st December 2009, most of the people went out to enjoy themselves in parties, gatherings, and so on; but I was at home, unpacking my stuff that I shifted from my hostel back to my home during the evening. Haha~ Home sweet home ♥ I shifted back to home from my lived-3-years-hostel. I thought I would have bunch lots of stuff (or rubbish *laughs*) to shift from hostel, but it wasn't. Phewww~ xD
I didn't go out to any particular place to hang out with anyone during New Year, just stay at home, trying to put myself into assignment mode. *Speechless* Now, I'm in the middle of something -- Object-Oriented Programming, gotta continue soon.
It's another year to go, probably everyone has own new year's resolution, do you have one? :]
Here's mine, just a draft one:
- Improve health, lose weight, try to do better in exercising by spending half hour in everyday.
- Save money, spend it thrifty.
- Do well in internship later in April to September, learn as much as I can, might be able to master my 'Googling' skill perhaps.
- Try harder to pull up my CGPA, but before that, gotta improve my time management first.
- Gotta improve my skill in handling stress, be more organize in my daily routine.
- Spend more time with my family, since I have shifted back home.
- Be more serious in doing important tasks, gotta focus more.
- Practice more in driving maybe, it has been a while I didn't sit on the driver seat and hold the steering wheel with my two hands. xD
- Spend time with friends whenever I can squeeze some free time other than spending it with my family.
- Care for my friends who need me. :]
all the best in achieving your resolutions! =)
hehehe same to you too ken. :]