Went out with friends and staying online for most of the time. Didn't know whether I was trying to escape from squeezing myself into study mood or what. While I was with my mates yesterday, again i told them, "Again I'm feeling bad in studies, should I quit Degree course?"
The same thing they said to me, to continue my Degree since I have proceeded halfway. =X I faced serious failure in studies once, I really don't wanna have it twice. I'm feeling hard to breath when I came to this.

I don't think I'll have any time for other thing besides getting myself ready for exam. *Fingers crossed* First paper on 18th Jan, Database Systems; then, followed by 20th Jan, E-Marketing; 22nd Jan, O-O Programming, and 29th Jan, Mobile Computing.
Hmm... Gotta go~~ Enjoy this piece~
Good luck for your exams. ;-)
thanks angie :]
good luck@
and don't give up~~
focus and study more~
thanks kwong fei :] i'll try my best.
studying in TARC, no 1 will have the mood to prepare for exam.
the syllabus is simply too crappy...
unless they change the syllabus become more interesting like other colleges
hey. whats up girl? i hope your doin great! droppin some love!
hahaha... just take it as a challenge to ourselves loo. :]
thanks yuli :]