Monday, I was busy with exams, Tuesday went out almost half day... LOL~ Then, Wednesday, I was busy with exams again, when I got back home, it was late. I put a make up to my phone. :]
Thursday was kinda into the study mode, 'cause the papers on Friday were a lil tough for me, not really confident that I'll be able to do well in it. But in anyway, I have tried my best to answer the questions in exams. :]
3 subjects, and there were 6 papers have been done! Pheww~~ They are Database Systems, E-Marketing for IT Professionals, and Object-Oriented Programming.
On Thursday, I stayed awake since 5 or 6pm in the evening after a nap, till Friday night. LOL~ About 30 hours staying awake, for revision and did some past year papers till I got myself to college for exams. Haha. After the papers, it was the time to play hard! xD
I went for a dinner and movie on Friday evening, watched The Spy Next Door.

After that, got home and sleep! xD
Saturday~ It is another day for outing for today~ It's another movie~~ The Tooth Fairy.

Haha~ I guess I gonna grab my rest soon~ Here's my pretty, I put some stickers on it. xD Nights.

Study hard and finish exam and Now play hard time. :D I also just finished my exam yesterday. It's hang out time.
Regards from cr3ap
i havent watched the movies you mentioned here yet =P
heyy cr3ap, thanks for your footprints here. :] enjoy~
hehehe watch it someday when you are free ken~