Hi 2016!

It has been a really long time since the previous post or entry I wrote. What I mean in 'really long time' as in a real real real really long time, ages ago! Awww man, it has been ummm... gonna be FIVE years!

I got no idea who should I continue blogging, should continue it in a simple way then, let's make long stories short.

I got my first job after I've done my Degree, and still working in the same company now. Apart from that, I've shifted to my new house with family!  There are a lot of stuff to be busy with, it takes about two weeks' time to settle all the things in our new house.

Another thing changed is... The relationship. Just like some of my friends who realize that, "Is the guy in the photos or statuses you recently updated in Facebook, your new guy?" YES! He's someone who are kind of special to me, he's not 'my new guy' anymore. LOL~~~ It has been a year being with him already . He and I usually spend time in some cafes, this is how my friends and colleagues said to about us.

* Coffee for two in a random Sunday

* Bucket of beers during New Year's eve with him

Okkay, there goes about my career, family, and relationship. What other things that are more important than these?

After Christmas and New Year, Chinese New Year is just around the corner! He and I are gonna visit Malacca again, even though we just spent our New Year's eve there.


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