My friend and I took train to go home after work. We were chatting in the carriage, chatted about working, exam, and bout relationship. It wasn't a long conversation, 'cause I gotta get off from the train at Pasar Seni station. In the time while we talked about relationship, something was being dug out from my mind indirectly. For certain things in our lives, some important matter of a person might not be important for others. Same goes to any matter which other people think it's important but you just don't think it is.

I thought I can let things go just like a rain flushes away everything. But, it is still in my mind, in my heart, somewhere deep inside. I know things which happened are impossible to forget or being formatted like a computer. Somehow, it's still there.
When my friend said 'good-bye' to me, I know I'm gonna go home on myself again, like I used to. After got off from the train, I got into a bus to go back home. Well, I don't feel bored anymore when I'm alone, 'cause the word "bored" has gone so far away from me since I stepped away from my secondary school life. Sometimes my colleagues complained that they are bored being in the office, or classmates complained that they are bored being in the lecture or class. Bored? Maybe it is just because we didn't fully utilize our time.
When I was in the bus, I stared at my bag for quite a while, there was a few rain drops dropped to my bag. My bag... Other than me, there was only a single person carried my bag before, in the college. I was staring at my bag again, when my music player (my phone) was playing the song "Happily Never After" sang by the Pussycat Dolls. Huuu~ *sighs*
Saturday, it's the last day of a week. That's all in this Saturday, I was wondering how is he now. There are only question marks which remain silently.
that's the past.
Ya... I know.
Just feel like writing out only.
Thanks for concerning anyway. =)