So, I told her "That's my so-called Report Card for Diploma". LOL~ And then she asked me, "What do you have to do with this? You want me to keep this for you?" I was like 'OMG! Please don't throw it'. *fainted* Then, I asked her to keep it. xD
Total of 26 units, with total 96 credit hours earned. :)
Hmmmm... Here come the story of the week about me. It might be a lil bit long, hope you won't fall asleep. xD
Monday~ Digital Multimedia (DM) tutor distributed our mid term test papers. *sobs* i scored very low marks, 'cause I didn't do revision before the test. And then my coursework marks is low too. >< I skipped DM lecture in the afternoon, went to block X for a practice before the Skill-based Assessment of CCNA. xD
On Tuesday, I had my CCNA Skill-based Assessment. LOL~ I worried about it a lot before the assessment. During the test, I focused a lot in it, make sure everything goes correctly. Then, ended up okkay, I feel relieved. xD Another thing was the English oral presentation~ LOL~ They happened in the same day. I presented about Rich Internet Application. Weehee~ Which I have done research for previous ICT Showcase (2008), 'cause I took part in the Technology Booth last year and it was about Rich Internet Application. :)
Next, Wednesday I had singing test during Music Appreciation tutorial. xD I performed individually in the class for my singing test. Woooooop! We have to sing at least one version for one stanza from the list given. We can either choose the rhythm/melody in any existing song or compose our own melody. I chose this:
No one was with me there
Happy I was... Alone
Yet from the sunshine suddenly
A joy was gone
Hehe~ I sang two version of this stanza, one composed myself, one modified from Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy". I scored 15/20 marks. xD
And then, Thursday I was bad. *sobs* Morning after I woke up, the first thing I did was ran into the bathroom. Grrrr... Wednesday dinner caused me food poisoning! = =" And then later I found out that I was having fever and headache. T_T And it was getting worst in the evening. Duhh... Then, I bathed without using warm water, and got a 11 hours sleep. The next day, I'm okkay already~~ :)
It's Friday today~ Recovered from fever and so on. Hehe~ It's weekend pretty soon, time to continue those tasks and assignment which I haven't finish doing them. OOAD case study diagrams to draw in Rational Software Architecture, flash assignment, and so on. ><
My busy checklist. *sighs* Sometimes I feel that I'm not just a class representative but my classmates' secretary! LOL~ They noticed that I always jot down stuff in this book, and they will ask me stuff from time to time, such as "Anything to do in this week? Any stuff to pass up?" xD The two stuff circled by pink highlighter are stuff to be handed in, yellow highlighted are test and quiz. *sobs*
Now this is the recovering process of my left palm. Tadaaaa~~ Getting better already. :) Sorry to all people who worried about me, and thanks to people who care about me. *hugs*
Hehe~ I'll write again when I'm free. See ya. xD
Congrats for your A-A-B-B diploma transcript. :D
LOL~ Thanks. I have scored C's, my mom didn't notice only. xD
hehehe~ thanks cheng lim kor kor. xD
so cool!!! r u going to upload ur singing?
i know what diagram is that! sequence diagram! haha... your palm is looking good!
what course are you doing? some IT course right?
renaye, i didn't record anything for my singing test. xD
kenwooi, yah it's sequence diagram, there are also use case and collaboration diagrams to draw. >< hehe thanks for the concern, my palm is okkay already. weehee~ and yah, i'm doin IT course. xD
Cool, congrats =)
hehehe thanks jacob. xD