Let's spot this banner in two blogs if you can. Well, I spotted two. xD

From The Land of Cheeser Dot Com (this is the tips of the real URL)

From KYCakap Dot Com (this is the tips of the real URL)

Let's watch the trailer :]
For information regarding "Sherlock Holmes" pay a visit to Nuffnang.
Hey there, nice blog :)
hiii thanks yi han :]
cant hardly wait for this movie to come out..
damn i'm so into the trailer now :p
hahaha. feeling excited?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle made Sherlock Holmes. xD
my previous post was his story too :]
hi, Renise. I'm looking forward to watch Sherlock Holmes! Surely not a disappointing one.. :D
hehehe. looking forward for it. :]
hello ... nice blog . good luck to u ! :) keep in touch :P
hehehe good luck? thanks. :]
same to you too.