Hmmmm... I had a presentation for one of our course on Friday -- "Introduction to Short Story". My group was doing "The Adventure of Speckled Band", which written by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle. Lucky we have prepared our report for Short Story course earlier, otherwise I really had no sleep in a night before the presentation, because we had to hand in the report before we start the presentation, just like most of the courses do. :]
Here goes the preparation I did in a night before presentation. The paper characters I drew on Wednesday, there are Helen Stoner, Julia Stoner, and another Helen Stoner. (Helen Stoner will be in different dresses)

Then, the men characters, we have Dr Roylott, Sherlock Holmes, and Dr Watson.

On Friday night, I colored them and get them prepared for the play~ Haha xD With the Baboon and Cheetah too.

Errr... You guys won't complain anything for my drawing, right? I'm not good in drawing. *Sobs* Let's move to the presentation~
The story took place in year 1883. In olden days, the dialogues are pretty long, one dialogue can be up to a few paragraphs around 5 to more than 10 sentences. We decided to present the story using paper characters rather acting in front of the class. So, my classmate and I dubbed for the play. He dubbed for man characters while I dubbed for lady characters.

My hard work done to the paper characters was wasted! One of my teammate pasted the characters on that white mahjong paper. It just made me feel so speechless for how i hunt for wooden sticks and nicely prepared the sticks put behind every character. Lucky another one of my teammate know what is the use of the wooden stick behind every paper character.
Here's how the play looks like~

Next, my classmate snapped a picture of me with the baboon and cheetah. LOL~ I wasn't having enough rest in a night before the presentation, 'cause I had a practical test for Mobile Computing *Sighs* But lucky I did well in the test. :]

Lot more funny photos were posted in my Facebook~